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该课程属于 Mandarin - Online Exercise 请加入后再学习

- I was wronged/ I'm innocent

- good behaviour bond


- pricking/ prickling

- Heat rash occurs when the skin's sweat glands are blocked

- sweat glands

- inflammation


- paracetamol

- mosquito repeller and repellent

- malaria

- relapses



- Ombudsman

- the amount medicare approves

- insurance payout

- The premiums of some insurance companies keep increasing, but there are more and more exclusions and out-of-pocket fees


- dementia

- respite care

- centre-based respite

- flexible respite


- the police are called to the scene

- stabbing pain


- lipid-lowering

- effective ingredients

- dosage


- consider her best interests

- hearing


- return on investment

- tightening

- can I buy off the plan property


